Subscription terms

High-quality fundamental stock analysis for the smart investor
Annualy (save 25%)


$ 0/month
  • ✓ Only 5 companies before registration
  • ✓ After registration additional 20 companies
  • ✓ Brief version of the report
  • ✓ No access to recommended portfolios
  • ✓ For personal use only*


$ 40/month
  • ✓ All SP500 and Nasdaq100 Index Companies
  • ✓ All MOEX and HangSeng Index Companies
  • ✓ Brief version of the report
  • ✓ Historical brief reports
  • ✓ Brief Insights on Recommended Portfolios
  • ✓ Advanced Portfolio Insights with Annual Subscription
  • ✓ Personal Use Only*


$ 2400/month
  • ✓ All SP500 and Nasdaq100 Index Companies
  • ✓ All MOEX and HangSeng Index Companies
  • ✓ Full Brief version of the report
  • ✓ Historical full reports
  • ✓ Fair Value Calculator
  • ✓ Full Analytics on Recommended Portfolios
  • ✓ Up to 3 Simultaneous Users
  • ✓ Commercial Use License**

*personal use implies the use of the service for personal investment purposes, including informational and research purposes, but does not provide a license to use the service when consulting other individuals and organizations, including when creating analytics and making decisions in banks, investment and brokerage companies, mutual funds.

**a commercial use license gives the subscriber the right to use the service when consulting other individuals and organizations, including when creating analytics and making decisions in banks, investment and brokerage companies, and mutual funds.